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Internet E-Commerce
With our partners at ECOM Secure, we can offer three forms of Internet E commerce. All of our services provide Master Card™, Visa™ and American Express™ payment processing through The Bank of Montreal's payment centre. Have funds deposited to your bank account the same-day!.    Our focus is on maintaining the security and integrity of our systems and the charges they process. This allows your business to safely and confidently access the power of the internet to meet your business banking needs. Below is a breif description of the services. Please visit ECOM Secure Ltd.'s Web site for more detailed information.

Web Commerce

Immediate, secure, hands-off processing of payments straight into your account. Complete web site development solutions. Options for easy integration with your existing web site.

Credit card payment processing
Uses your existing Web Browser and internet connection to quickly enter card and payment details. Authorization back in as little as 6 seconds. Secure internet connection to our Portal (using encrypted SSL). No hardware, No software, No disks, No installation. Ideal for businesses entering telephone, fax and catalog sales as well as many recurring order applications.

Batch Charge Processing

A simple application you install on any x86 based PC under Windows 95™, Windows 98™ or Windows NT™ Easily configured by operator to read data exported from many common database and accounting systems. When ready, it uses your existing internet connection to submit the batch of charges to our processing center. After processing, the same program can retrieve all results and export them for re-integration into your accounts. 

For more information please visit ECOM Secure Inc. or send us an email info@urbanweb.net, we would be pleased to discuss your e commerce needs.

Urban Web
Urban Web Inc. Customer Service 1-877-889-2573
102-19 Dallas Road
Victoria British Columbia Canada
V8V 5A6
Sales and Marketing at 1-250-380-1296
Fax: 1-250-380-1298
Email info@urbanweb.net

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