President, Steve Feldman
Past -President, Joel Fagan
Secretary, Mona Acker
Treasurer, Daniel Steinberg
Allocations Committee Chair, Jon Secter
Israel Advocacy Chair, Sarah Thoms
Security Chair, Vacant
Hilell, Ayelet Weiss
Central Van. Island JC, Arlene Ackerman
Comox Valley JC, Karin Kratz
Leanord Cohen
Jack Shalinsky
Michael Goldberg
Sherman Rapaport
Jeanne Kahn
Bob Kalef
Sydney Kalef
Hal Yacowar
Bev Merson
Brian Friedmann
What We Do:
We coordinate, plan and promote social, educational, cultural, health and welfare programs and activities in the Jewish Community. We serve as a central representative of the Jewish Community.
We develop leadership in the Jewish Community.
We coordinate fund raising efforts intended to finance the services and activities of the Jewish Community.
We raise and administer and allocate such funds as may be collected under the auspices of JFVVIS.
Our Mission:
The Jewish Federation of Greater Victoria and Vancouver Island is committed to building strong, vibrant and enduring Jewish Communities on Vancouver Island, in Israel and in the world by nurturing those values, practices and traditions which sustain and enrich Judaism and the Jewish people. |