After reviewing your site and taking into consideration your needs and wants, I propose the following package. -Search engine optimization : Optimization ensures site posted in top ten of search engine listings, with an included monthly refresh, as well as Google meta tagging. $500.00 -Creation of a login/access for retailers/clients. $190.00 -Site maintenance/ login access page maintenance for the year: $75.00 -Hosting for the year, with unlimited email and bandwidth: $100.00 -Domain renewal: $15.00 A package of this nature would typically be purchased for around $1300.00, at the already discounted rates it works out to $880.00. We are willing to decrease it to $850.00. We have been talking for quite some time now about getting your site to where you want it to be, we want to be as flexible as possible to give you a tool you are content with. I look forward to speaking with you soon. If you have any questions let me know.