I love reading, writing, eating and gardening. I hate sewing, swimming, liver, and lima beans.

     That's why you'll find lots of stuff here on reading and writing, maybe a little on eating and gardening, but nothing at all - ever - on sewing, swimming, liver or lima beans.

     Well, unless one of my characters decides he likes liver or lima beans. Or swimming or sewing. Then I might have to mention them.

     Instead I'd rather talk about you. If you have questions about writing or my books, send me an email. Or, if you like entering contests, click the 'contact me' button at the end of this page. Let me know that you would like to win a copy of my latest book, A Taste of Perfection. I'll collect names and be drawing a winner every month.

     "A Taste of Perfection is the story of Erin Morris and a very special dog named Mr. Lavender Blue. It's set in Courtenay, on Vancouver Island. If you like dog stories, you might want to check out another novel featuring a dog: Because of Winn-Dixie by Kate DiCamillo. It's set in Naomi, Florida.

     To find out more about Courtenay, B.C., where Erin's grandmother lives,
click here, go to regions and follow the Central Island links to Courtenay.

     To see pictures of the Puntledge River where Erin and Cassie have their picnic, click here:

     And keep your eyes peeled for fossils. An 80 million year old fossilized skeleton of an Elasmosaur was found there in 1988. People continue to hunt for more remains.

     To connect with the Canadian Kennel Club, go here:

     For information on the American Kennel Club, click here:

     And to gather more information on Labrador Retrievers, click here:

"The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas."

   Linus Pauling

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